Better late than never for a recap of Vogue Knitting Live! It took place in the Hyatt Century Plaza, a beautiful venue. In my opinion the only thing it sorely lacked was coffee carts for VKL attendees... but I did find ways to occupy myself while I was waiting for my caffeine fix, it was fun to take pictures of the ridiculously long line.
The Stitch Heaven booth was fun, not as snazzy as some, but I think we did an awesome job of displaying our stitches, projects, and the DVDs.
Notice that poster on the left? That's the eVbook, a groundbreaking new publication which is gonna be the future of craft publishing (at least we think so)
The Vogue Live people did an awesome job of decorating the show floor with interesting knitted and crocheted oddities.
The knitted brain is my favorite!
Is this a beautiful booth design or what? It belonged to a foursome of stores that teamed up to make a booth that was pretty much as large as a real yarn store. They were full of beautiful (the birdies wouldn't say cheeeap!) yarns, patterns, and kits.
Probably the highlight of the weekend was meeting Franklin Habit. He is so incredibly nice :)
I also chased Shannon Okey down so I could be a fan girl. :) Told her about the eVbook... and that TriCoast would be more than willing to share video production prowess if coop press wants to publish any enhanced e books.
Overall the event was a success, even though it was much smaller than many of the shows I've attended before. I can't wait for the next event!